
Showing posts from January, 2018

Eyes of Our Creator

The eyes , how they glisten They glisten in a peculiar way as compared to most Through these eyes your given vision unlike any other A vision to see good in people A vision to see pain in which they don't show A vision in which you see how to give the gift of compassion The gift of forgiveness The gift of eternal love The eyes, how they glisten, how they teach, how they see The eyes of our creator is the gift in which you recieve


Like bright stars that glisten in the night She too has a light that shines One different among the others A light that's always there Always waiting  Waiting for someone to take a look from a different angle So from this angle she may show them hope


To write is to unleash a power among others A power of escape A power of love of A power of  hate You can change lives or you can break them As with any power the, the choice is yours

Couple Quotes :)

Not poetry but close to it in my opinion, here's a few quotes I thought of. :)  "Let the leaves fall as they may but make sure you stay the same."  "Sometimes we must fall in order for others to rise" 


Yesterday may have been one of sorrow But listen child for today is a new day A day the Lord has given A day with joyous things in store A day of love A day of peace A day of accomplishment Today is the day we will wake and rejoice


Do what makes your heart burn with passion\ That passion is what ignites your soul Your soul will then lead you, spreading sparks amongst others The grand finale will be phenomenal And the production then put on by other hearts will be your reward

Never Give Up

Just because things aren't going the way you planned Doesn't mean they aren't going the way God has planned Have faith Push forward Never give up Those who persevere will reap in the many rewards due to obedience to the Lord


A good writer is like a person with photographic memory For the author can paint a picture so clear So detailed That the words transform the reader To another world Another day in history Another moment Somewhere outside the spectrum of realism

Capture It All

I don't want a love that just captures my sight But one that captures One that enrolls My mind ,my heart and my soul


You can light a spark You can let that spark become a flame You can watch me burn Heed my warning From the ashes I will rise

I Write

I write what I could never say\ I write what I said but you never fully heard I write what I wish you would understand Now as the page absorbs the emotion, the words of past gone to oblivion I know its too late


To those who read the words in which I write My hope is that you see nothing of me My hope is that you learn more about yourself My hope is that eventually you see a mirror of yourself in my words My hope is that you can learn to grow To overcome To find yourself and inspire others along your journey of soul searching


If eyes are a window to the soul Then the soul must be a door to the heart The heart which is the most protected chamber of all

To Love

To love is like giving in to an endless curse When its real you never forget You never get over it You never completely give yourself to anyone else Part of you always belongs to them To love is also a beauty so rare it should be treasured Treasured like the brightest star on a clear night Treasured like something no price could ever claim or replace   To love is something we fight against, yet long for in the end                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


We're all broken We all have scars that set us apart They may set us apart in ways not even visible to the naked eye But do not be mistaken These scars are not ones of which to be ashamed Nor are they ones to flaunt But they are ones to accept Ones to learn from These scars make us who we now are

Fragments Are the Whole

We look at life as a whole When really we should look at every small, special, intricate moment Those tiny, precious fragments Are the only reason the whole even exists Our fragments form the words of our life story

Lies of Perfection

Perfection is one of life's greatest lies For it can never be reached Therefore the only way to overcome it Is to accept it never existed in the first place


I let you go Because I love you And the greatest act of love is the sacrifice of ones own feelings


I found a new love, tender and sweet He doesn't judge nor does he critique I found a love whom accepts me for me All my pain, all my grief, every thought that I may think He helps me to mold my mind into words on this very page He helps me to express the unexplainable Guide's me with a steady hand And loves me through it all My dear loves name is poetry

Love No Longer Mine

I love you with all my heart  So I had to let you go Just as you can't hold captive a bird whos dream is to fly I have to let you soar even if it means I die I hope along your journey, you will remember me And maybe one day, my love, you may come home to me

Invisible Yet Present

A broken heart is like a fiber glass cut People can't see it You can't see it But the pain is always present


I ride to feel To feel loved To feel a bond To feel like in that moment my horse is all that matters To feel unstoppable To feel strong To feel confidence To feel safe And I write to express that in which I feel

Water to Fire

Use water to paint fire And use fire to paint what water could never express

Pencil Being the Movement of My Heart

I lose myself amongst the words Every pencil mark being a new possibility To let my imagination, my mind, and my heart run free

Thought Train

Do you feel like your mind is an endless train? Following the tracks of your thoughts Halting at important memories, experiences, facts It never stops but only for a second Keeps lopping through the new and the old for the world in your mind has knowledge of time In your mind, the memories, the moments, are timeless

Longing Love

Like an eagle I soar amongst the memories blooming in my mind I remember the safe feeing that I only felt with him The comfort he gave me The sound of his voice as we talked for hours on end The feeling of his arms around me like a barricade silently protecting me from the evil of the world His smile, oh how he could turn even the darkest night into day His knowledge ,not just of the world, but of me, he knew me almost better then I knew myself The feeling, the longing, If only I could go back to what once was This is my wish

My Place

Where do you go to set your mind free? To feel at ease, to feel comfort and peace? For me its a place like no other where all you can hear is the water and the bristle of the trees as the soft wind blows Where the bird sings her melody as she fly's away, taking your mind on a journey along with her. As she soars, she teaches me to let go To leave all my worries in the past For you never know where you may go In this moment I'm taken back in time to beautiful memories that I've made in this place The place where my mind fills with vibrant color becoming free And heart soars on its flight back to where I want to be In this moment , in this place ,I am truly free


Everywhere I go, I cant help but smell cologne Is it a sign from the earth? Or is it a curse? Tis an answer I shall never know


We run, then we wait We sleep, then we wake We feel, then we don't Welcome to the cycle of life

The Archer

Slow and steady is the archers hand How he must move with perfect precision For he needs the right angle and certain timing to make his shot No room for error No time for mistake Only one shot is his to take


The feeling of rain drops on your skin Like icicles that cut through They cut through pain, sorrow They cleanse and they reform They help to build the beautiful creation that once was and shall remain again For from water we are born and to water we will return time and time again


Hey Everyone, Some of you may be familiar with my other blog (, which is specifically dedicated to teens and essays on a variety of topics. I have recently began writing poetry, since this I wanted to keep my other blog theme steady, I created this one specifically for poetry. Everything I post is my own work and I hope you enjoy :)