
Showing posts from February, 2018


She's a light amongst the darkest allies A gentle hand to the trembling child A guide for the lost A mentor, yet a student as she is still learning herself She is strong and persistent She doesn't give up just because its hard She loves without fear of hearbreak She loves endlessly, relentlessly She gives life to the next generation She is a woman, a girl, Female

Dark Horse

To you he looks like a dark horse But to her he is the brightest source of light The reason she makes it through each day The reason she believes in love


Its like a mask, the facade we see We wake up We put on our face The face we want to be seen

Storm Chaser

She chases the wind mighty and fierce When the lightening strikes, she learns to bolt Amidst the waves she will not surrender She's learned to surf life's greatest tsunamis She's outrun the fastest rain A storm has never found her, for she is the one who chases them


Take the world by storm Show them the beauty in a hurricane Show them the joy of dancing in the rain Show them the heart behind the sunshine on a cloudy day Show them your storm Show them your story


She says she's fine But your blind to the hurt beneath her eyes Seemingly transparent, she still manages to hide Hide the hurt The painful memories The scars she's afraid to show She says she's fine, but how are you so blind?

Do or Don't

Don't judge, instead love Don't hurt, help to heal Don't punish, teach Don't be an inflict-er of pain, be a reason of joy Don't give up, show fierce determination If you must hide in the shadows, then be a source of light seen by even the darkest places

Game... No

They say love is a tricky game Little do they know, they've been playing it wrong all along "How so?" , you ask The answer is simple.. Love is no game at all

By Your Side

I will stay with you until the ends of the Earth To the end of eternity may it ever come Whichever comes fourth, by your side I will solely remain

3 Keys

Inspiration is the key to motivation Motivation is the key to determination Determination is the key to success

Beauty in Life

Life is a beautiful thing Full of color from fall to summer Full of laughter from infancy to adulthood Full of love in countless shapes and forms Look for beauty in life and watch a deeper inner beauty be sparked within yourself

Give Me

Give me the reigns and baby I'll ride Give me a halo, I'll be your angle Give me a crown and you know I'm gonna rule


I have known you from the womb I know you today and tomorrow I know your every thought Every hope Every dream I love you with unfailing love unknown to man I draw you closer even as you turn away You have been banished from the world but welcomed into my kingdom The world pushes you out of sight, yet I bring you into the light By my grace you are saved I am the I AM

To Know the Author

To understand the story, you must first understand the author To learn about the author, you must read the story To truly know the author, you must relate to her works in purely unfathomable ways known to man And to love the author, you must read with an unbiased, not only open mind but open heart


When I think about YOU I think about Your sense of humor I think about your Obduracy when you know what you want I think about your Unfaltering steadiness even in the midst of trial Yes YOU


I write to feel Whether you agree or disagree Whether you approve or disapprove I write what I feel because its all that is real