
Showing posts from March, 2018

Two Things

There's two things always certain in life my love Until the day you die you'll be able to look up and see the sky, at night the stars Until the day you die I'll love you with a flame brighter then any fire More so equivalent to that of a billion stars So know in your heart my darling that my heart is forever yours


She has to be strong She has no choice It's not that she has no one to lean on But rather she doesn't know how to lean on them Always scared to be a burden She decides to be strong


The silence is killer It says more then words ever could It taunts the quietest thoughts It arouses sleeping hearts Sometimes silence is the most deadly of all

I Run to You

I run to you when I feel alone Your my sacred source of hope Your words heal the wounds of my mind And your touch protects me from scars I was unaware existed I run to you when I've run out of hope

The House

It's as if it's being pulled apart brick by brick Enough to cause pain Yet not enough to fully break The last brick is seen on the horizon How long until ultimate destruction? Until ultimate release of pain that's been so beautifully guarded How long until the mask is removed and the truth is revealed?


The house sounds dead inside It feels dead too The tension so thick its as if one is drowning The sense of hope is fading When will it all crash down?