
Showing posts from June, 2018

Beautiful Lies

You said you'd read my story But you'd only skimmed the pages You claimed to know my truths But all you know are lies You told me I could trust you But I wasn't truly worth your time You told me that you cared But that was just a lie You said I was beautiful But it turns out you're the one who's full of beauty Beautiful lies


If the stars aligned would it make it right? Or would everything be too same and have no versality? If the stars aligned would life be right or everything we thought to be wrong? The stars are scattered for a reason Just like you are here for a reason Never doubt your purpose, just as you wouldn't doubt the placement of the stars


Elements.. The world is full of them Founded on them Made up by them Sometimes decided by them What elements make up you? Not chemistry or physical What elements of character make up you? What elements would you like to be known for? The world is founded on elements Now choose yours

Broken Heart

You broke my heart But that's okay Sometimes the fragments The pieces The elements of a shattered heart Sometimes there more beautiful anyway


Poetry is an art Sharp as a dagger, yet smooth as sand Sweet as candy, yet sour as a lemon Simple yet so intricate Sometimes scary, but always entertaining Superstitious to some, yet the most realistic words written to others Sang with confidence and power, and read with diligence Seemingly old enough to take one back in time, yet young enough to transport also to the future Poetry is an art that grows with the ages, but whom also lives in the past


You are beautiful You are intelligent Your imperfections are what make you perfect Your a beaming light in the dark of night Your a specifically chosen element to a much larger plan Your luminous and courageous even in the sight of fear You are everything You are everything you don't believe you can be Keep your chin up and believe in yourself For I believe in you


You think your lost But maybe your just searching Searching for who you want to be Searching for your special place In this world Search until your heart is content Search and know that we don't all grow at the same speed Search and find what makes you unique Others may grow and blossom in the day But darling don't be afraid to bloom in the night


I write to breathe when life feels congested I write to share my deepest thoughts My deepest concerns and greatest loves I write to share what's in my mind To share it with the world in a way that makes more sense A simpler version of a large complexity I write to leave my mark Not as a footprint in the sand but as a touch of ink on the pure silk simply known as paper


Were scared of the unknown Yet maybe that's the highlight of life Not knowing The adrenaline received upon doing something for the first time The shock of fear of a risky situation that wakes us up The smile that illuminates our faces when something shockingly goes right The day to dad turmoil turning into a greater accomplishment Turns out the unknown... Is actually what we live for


We all question things in life No matter who you are, we have questions Questions about life About what comes next About this journey and how were supposed to endure it About if were doing it right About love and friendship Were all about the search But maybe we just need to look to the sky

Self trust

I don't know where I'm going down this winding road called life I'll trust my heart to guide me like a lighthouse, to be my guideline I'll trust my soul to uphold my conscious I'll trust myself to be accountable To be responsible To persevere To love endlessly Ill trust myself to live


They mask their pain with a smile Their fear with a laugh Their loneliness with lots of people Their insecurities, the mask says they have none When will we see through this mask When will we break through the façade When will we care enough to look deeper The mask is simply a screen A screen in which we are to blind to look through

Forgotten Dream

In my dream I see you there I see you  like nothings changed I see you like I used to so frequently I cling to the substance of your image my mind has recreated I cling to the memories like I'm falling of the edge of a cliff Then I hear you whisper to me so faint yet so real Yet I wake up and its just a dream I'm terrified that one day I'll forget the memories I'm more so terrified that you will forget me