
Showing posts from September, 2018


I know they'll begin to look for me anytime now soon In my waiting period though I shall gloom Grieve the moments yet to come Dread the moments I have lost The perfectly sound moments The confidence and trust Until my captor does appear upon the dreaded entry Yes I'll grieve Grieve indeed of what I have lost


Where do you find your solace? Me? I sometimes question thee My ability to find peace To see among the caos My strong willed mind slowly breaking under pressure My thoughts and actions seeming disarray The future so close yet untouchable to me Yes truly I sometimes question thee

Look at You

Baby when I look at you I suddenly feel 22 I see the world of possibilities No more boundaries I see the world at our fingertips No more looking back I see the future No one else, just you and me Baby when I look at you I feel everything I've wanted to


As fall is growing near The leaves will change color The flowers will close and pumpkins will sprout The days become shorter and the nights longer The thing we call life gets busier so we follow suit The change that occurs among us my friends is that of necessity The trick is to not let necessity overtake the things you hold dear


Sometimes I write to express what I feel Sometimes I write to understand the feelings of those around me Sometimes I write to avoid confusion Sometimes I write to express the confusion in which I feel Sometimes I write because everything is going right I write when I laugh and I write when I cry I hope you see, writing isn't a part of my life I consider writing to be the entirety of my life