
Showing posts from August, 2023


 You wanted me to forget myself  You tried to reinvent me in your twisted schemes to fit your mold You almost succeeded Almost…. I rose up and fire burned in your eyes, how dare I come against you I remember my worth, how dare I Your fury burned against me You hard never lost before, your victims ghost of the past haunted by you still I refused to be another ghost I rose up  Now you are nothing but a ghost in my past, but you don’t haunt me You melted away into oblivion never to be see again All because I rose up


 The ocean calls my name I hear her song clear as day calling me  She calls a song of freedom She promises a peace that transcends all understanding  I hear her call and yet I cannot go I am grounded in the sand afraid As the waves come closer beckoning to me, I begin to question what holds me back after all The waves envelope me in their presence and make me weightless  I have found my freedom in the vastness of the sea When you feel the waves calling to you, remember me Join the sea and find your peace